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  • 品牌名称:【新宇】
  • 公司名称:天津市新宇彩板有限公司
  • 官方主页http://www.xybc.com/Index.html
  • 所在地区:天津
  • 浏览次数1159
  • 更新日期:2013-04-10


天津市新宇彩板有限公司地处优美的渤海之滨,座落于西青经济开发区南河工业园,临近外环线,与多条高速公路相通。工厂占地面积500余亩,是生产酸洗、冷轧、镀锌、镀铝锌、镀锡、彩涂卷板的专营企业。经过十余年的稳步发展,新宇年综合生产能力600余万吨,产品执行国家标准及相关的行业标准。多年来公司坚持“向管理要效益,以质量求生存”的发展之路,严格按照ISO9001标准组织生产,把产品质量保障体系的建设作为重点,以高品质、重信誉及周到的售后服务赢得了众多商家的认可,是同时获得著名商标和名牌产品的优质企业。 随着企业的迅猛发展,新宇从量产型发展转变为科技型发展。通过优秀的技术团队,在生产中不断总结技术经验,对设备和主辅材料进行改进以提高产品产量和品质,新宇人通过自己的努力研发出颜色更为鲜艳、防腐性能更高的材料,使得产品使用寿命大大提高,得到业内人士与客户的一致好评。面对当前国际经济发展浪潮,新宇人深知,新时代带给我们的不仅仅是机遇,而更多的是挑战,为使企业持续稳步地发展,仅仅依靠简单的扩大生产是远远不够的,生产科技的创新才是保证一个企业长盛不衰的真谛。为此,多年来,新宇人以前瞻性的战略眼光,坚持开拓创新的企业精神,先后完成了多项技术创新,产品创新以及项目创新,不仅保证了公司产品在国内涂镀领域的先进水平,并且完成了对企业技术实力的深入挖掘,带领公司走上了一条具有新宇特色的可持续发展之路。在创新的道路上新宇人奋勇拼搏,一马当先,因为每一个新宇人深知,只有处于科技的尖端,才能走在时代的前列!



Tianjin Xinyu Color Plate Co.,Ltd. , is located at the Nanhe industrialized Park in Xiqing District and the beautiful bank of Bohai Sea, Tianjin, closes to Waihuan Road, with an occupation of over 500 mu of land. It is a specialized company with the lines of pickling sheet,cold-rolled sheet,galvanized sheet,galvalume sheet,tinning sheet, color coated sheet.

For years stable development,the annual comprehensive production capacity of Xinyu is 6 millon tons now.The products carry out the national standards and related professional standards. The company always insists on " the good performance with the quality and the well effectively management"; and its products are produced according to the ISO 9001 production standard system, stressing the construction of the product quality system and ensuring quality consciousness going deep through to each link. Meanwhile, it is awarded hign grade enterprise with famous trademark and famous-brand product.

With the swift and violent development of enterprise, we have changed our development way from quantity producing to techonology producing. Our excellent techonical team always sum up the experiences of production, having improved equipments and materials to enhance the product output and quality.With great achievement,Xinyu has researched out more colorful materals with better corrosion resistance, which extend the working life of produts . This is praised by insider and customers. Facing to the current global economic status of development, Xinyu know well that the New Times brings us not only opportunity but also more challenge. For further development, the way of extended production is far from enough, technological innovation is the only way to keep the enterprise on. To this end, Xinyu people always rely on diligence,intelligence, sincerity and creative spirit. And the company has always developed new low-carbon products, not only ensuring the advanced level in the civil coating area, but also having led a Xinyu characteristic sustainable development way. In this innovative way, Xinyu people will achieve best beacuse they know only the top lead the way.

Regarding talent as the center,science and technology as the guide,quality as the primacy,our company thinks of danger in times of safty, and advocates the corporate culture that bent on making progress. A whole management mode, inner part management norm has been established in our company to set up the faorable business enterprise image.

Xinyu Color Plate Co.,Ltd.will stick to the motto of "Quality first, Benefit her customers" and produce more high-quality products under the scientific management. We are looking forward to a splendid future both for us and our brother companies of all trades。

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